At Uromigos Live 2024, a panel moderated by Brian Rini focused on the use of front-line therapy in papillary renal cancer and featured discussion on new and upcoming data in the field. The panel featured Tom Powles along with guests Laurence Albiges, MD, Institute Gustave-Roussy; David McDermott, MD, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; and Hans Hammers, MD, UT Southwestern Medical Center. ...
The Uromigos Live & Unplugged: Kidney Cancer
In the second part of the session, the panel highlights some of the most important recent developments in papillary RCC.
In part one of the session, the panelists dive into an in-depth exploration and debate on the results of SUNNIFORECAST.
In the final part of this session, the panel discusses the nuances of re-challenging patients with PD-1 therapies.
The panel discusses the use of immunotherapy, specifically PD-1 based therapies, in renal cell carcinoma.
Part two features a discussion on the timing and rationale behind conducting trials for re-challenging patients.
The panelists discuss the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors and re-challenging patients with PD-1/PD-L1 therapies.
Listen to the podcast format of the kidney cancer panel on IO after IO therapy from Uromigos Live 2024.
Watch the "Front-Line Therapy in Papillary Renal Cancer" session from Uromigos Live 2024.
View the live recording of the "The Uromigos' Definition of Oligometastatic" session from Uromigos Live 2024.
View the IO Rechallenge panel session from Uromigos Live & Unplugged 2024, recorded live in Nashville.
Listen to the podcast format of the kidney cancer panel on TKI vs Ipi/Nivo vs IO/TKI from Uromigos Live 2024.
Dr. Powles chaired a livestreamed RCC session that included lively discussion from Drs. Atkins, McDermott, and Rini.
The panel highlights a serious of relevant studies in renal cell carcinoma, including CONTACT-03 and TiNivo-2.
Dr. Regina Barragán-Carrillo discusses new data in the IO-refractory RCC setting that were presented during the RCC panel.
Scott Haake, MD, PhD, discusses his favorite frontline ccRCC data that were presented at Uromigos Live.
Benjamin Garmezy, MD, discusses what the best treatment strategies may be for RCC and the potential of IO-only strategies.
Dr. Monty Pal discusses the current IO-refractory RCC space and approaches to patients in the 2nd- and 3rd-line settings.
Dr. Beckermann shares why there is a need to identify a biomarker for patients with RCC who will benefit from belzutifan.
Dr. Saliby shares what she has liked about the RCC panels and how she sees space for new biomarkers and mechanisms of action.
Monty Pal, Toni Chouieri, and Tian Zhang join Tom and Brian to discuss CONTACT-03, TiNivo-2, IO-based therapy, and more.
Dr. Michael Atkins discusses long-term results of IO/TKI combinations for metastatic RCC and how they may influence debate.
Dr. David McDermott from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center discusses his favorite Uromigos guests and episodes.