Urology On The Beach 2025
Get the latest in presentations and discussions surrounding topics such as urologic oncology in prostate, renal, upper tract, and bladder cancers.
Dr. Syan highlights advancements in pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery, and progress in gender-specific challenges.
Dr. Syan shares her vision for the meeting and the lessons or feedback from the past two years that helped shape the program.
Dr. Sanchez-Salas comments on whether PSMA PET is useful for determining optimal candidates for focal therapy.
Dr. Sanchez-Salas details strategies for selecting between focal therapy versus active surveillance or definitive treatments.
Dr. Kaouk presented on the benefits of surgery for managing biochemically recurrent prostate cancer post-radiation.
Dr. Kaouk explains how a multidisciplinary team should be integrated into the management of RCC.
Dr. Karam explains the main points of emphasis when it comes to small renal masses and surveillance versus surgery.
Dr. Thompson, Jr. highlights his recently published large dataset of long-term complications of prostate cancer treatment.
Dr. Brian Shuch gives a preview of Urology on the Beach 2025, including his session on molecular imaging agents.